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Fletcher, Avalon question

Fletcher (and anyone who can answer)
I was going to send tis question as a private email, but then thought others might like to know the answer as well.

What is the difference between the Avalon 737 stock version and the Mercenary version. I know one is black :cool:, which I can't decide if that is cooler or if I like the "classy" stock look, but that don't matter anyhow!

Notation/sequencing software of my dreams?

I would like to find the notation/midi sequencing software of my dreams. I've been a Cakewalk user for quite some time, but their "staff view" doesn't do what I would want my dream software to do. Does anyone know of a notation/sequencing package that will notate/play midi in much the same fashion as sheet music is written (and performed)? What I mean is the ability to:

Notation/sequencing dream software?

I would like to find the notation/midi sequencing software of my dreams. I've been a Cakewalk user for quite some time, but their "staff view" doesn't do what I would want my dream software to do. Does anyone know of a notation/sequencing package that will notate/play midi in much the same fashion as sheet music is written? What I mean is the ability to:

phasing wit da ass

So i was recording a demo for this band the other day and had an old RCA ribbon on a guitar amp. The guitar player had the habit of dancing around when he took a solo and when he start shaking his fat ass in front of the amp it produced this wicked phasing, apparently because of the reflections off his booty shakin'. It was truly strange.