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Patching TRS inserts

I have an Alesis Studio32 board with unbalanced TRS inserts on each channel and on the main outs. Like most boards of this (low) caliber, you can't just terminate these things on a patch panel. Something has to be patched in (like a RNC) or else I get no signal. My question is, what would be the most professional way of utilizing these types of insert points?

Mixing choices w/DP--what's best

Given the following three choices of mixing method, with Digital Performer as the recording platform, what would you choose, and why?

(1) Mix in DP
(2) Mix on budget digital mixer (01V, Spirit 328, Tascam TDM4000)
(3) Mix on budget analog mixer (Mackie/Ghost/etc.)--this is assuming decent quality A/D-D/A (MOTU 1224 or better).
