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Mixer or standalone preamp with M-Audio Delta 1010?

I'm kind of a beginner to computer recording, and recently bought a Delta 1010 soundcard with 8-channel breakbox. It doesn't have preamps and the only adjustable part is a button for each channel which switches from -10db to +4db signal levels (which would you generally use for direct guitar or vocal microphone?)

Help me lighten my load

Hey guys -

I've decided to start lightening my load on remotes and I thought I'd hit you guys up for ideas. Here's what I'm going to do - I'll list the stuff that I take on gigs and why. Then I'll list what I consider to be my requirements and then I want to see if any of you guys have some innovative or creative ideas.

What I take -


Ok, so I'm trying to upgrade my beat/music making and I'm looking at the Akai MPC. Mainly I want to make rap beats. I know that the standard is the 2000, but any opinions about the 1000, 2500, or 4000? Maybe ditch the MPC and get something different like a Korg Triton? Maybe get a used 2000 and something else with it.

Getting Rid of Sizzling in my Monitors

I've been trying to pinpoint where the noises are coming from. I run all my gear through a Furman that is hooked through a UPS (to be extra anal) and the buzzes and hums got a little better but I still get sizzling. Not crackling, but sizzling.

Will hooking up something like a hum eliminator do the trick? I know it isn't a hum but could it be related?

Gear is:


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