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upgrading interface - apollo 16 or Avid i/o 16x16 or 8x8x8?

hi, i'm planning on upgrading my interface and was planning on going with apollo 16 but i was reading online the sound quality is not noticeably better and for $3000 i want it to sound better than my firestudio projects.

i use logic and was wondering if maybe going Avid hardware is the way to go?

Room for another 1176 clone?

Looks like (now berringer owned) Klark Technic has produced an 1176 clone. Priced $600 its in line with other mass produced clone gear.

IMHO it's insulting to both KT and 1176 that this thing is out. Having not heard it or used it I can't comment on its quality or authenticity. To me it's just a way to grab some kids cash.