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TDM Transmission error in Digitest

Anyone familiar with TDM Transmission error in Digitest, No TDM clock found? Its a d24/mix combo. Mix farm in slot 2, (slot 1 graphic card). D24 slot 3 and farm card in slot 4. Everything was working over a period of 2 years with this set up. Then it sat for 6 months with no use. Pulled it out earlier in the week, ran digitest and got error TDM clock not detected on all cards.

If I want to improve my kit for FOH ...

Most of my FOH work is at or near charity level. Some jobs are no charge, others I charge very little. Once or twice a year I might make a few hundred on an FOH job. I have no mains or monitors - don't have the space to store them, haul them, and since I basically don't get paid for this stuff I can't justify the cost. If I need them, the client rents them.

Yamaha HS80M

I'm looking into getting some monitors and I have listened to the HS80M's and liked how my CD sounded through them at the store. They seemed to be clear and the low end was pretty good.

What does everyone like about them/why should I purchase these?

What is everyone's complaint with them/is there any reason that I should not purchase these monitors?



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