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help me choose live sound recorder

Hi Everyone -

What I'm looking for is a digital version of a four (or six) track recorder for live situations. I'll do all the editing and mixing on my computer, so it needs to have a fairly efficient way of dumping data into a PC. I don't need to use the recorder as a mixing or editing station so I don't care about those functions.

Mbox Help Please!

Hi, I just recently got a Mbox 1...very long story made short...i have no instruction manual for the thing...I'm totally new to recording...I have a few questions.

1. How do I hook up a mixing console to it? Do I use Left/Right Main outputs into channel 1 &2...or do I use subgroups?

2. Is it possible to buy another Mbox and have 4 tracks of recording?

Reamping results wanted

Can anyone post audio clips of an actual reamp'd guitar, either soloed or in a project? I've read so much about the positives but have yet to hear results.

Have your guitarists complained about feeling being sacrificed in not playing into an amp? Minding impedance, how does the sound compare in terms of s/n or weird artifacts as it leaves the amp?

Moving ribbons on location?

I'm about to plunge into getting an AEA R88 for location work solely (classical acoustic etc). I've long been a condenser user but wondered if anyone takes special steps to move their ribbons to location. Dealing with things like hitting bumps on the road, general road vibration, etc. Any horror stories or suggestions for safe transport and usage on site?