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The Best of the Best. can anyone afford it?

I was at a concert the other night. It was held outdoors, There was a sound company and a recording company doing the recording. The person doing the recording had the most amazing setup for recording I have ever seen. It was all in flight cases and the amount and quality of the equipment just really blew me away.

New home studio, tips and recommendations?

Ok so I have been playing instruments for my whole life and I have been playing in few bands. Now studio times and prices are starting to be serious pain in the ass for the band, and an idea of setting up little home recording studio has came up in my mind several times. I have just a little experience in simple garage recording, so your opinions and tips are important.

a low budget alternative to Massive Passive EQ

Hello. I have a small project studio and usually i don't have any mastering on my projects mix - i know very pro gear are needed for that. The only operation i like doing is to insert a SPL Vitalizer in the main out channel of my Mackie 32-8 mixer, so that the mix sound is like... sweatened and rounded.

Which motherboard should I choose?

I'm thinking about building myself a new DAW.
I haven't decided anything yet, but I'm thinking about buying the Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4GHz 8MB L2 cache cpu. Does anyone have any experience with this cpu in a DAW?
But my biggest dilemma is not which cpu to choose, but which combination of cpu/motherboard I should choose.


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