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R.I Legend Phil Greene (new kids on the block, Johnny A) Interveiw

hey guys, this interveiw showed up on my Facebook from a buddy of mine. I work with Phil (guy on the left), and he is quite the character, most of which would not be gentlemanly for me to talk about here. there's not a whole lot of documentation on Phil but he surely is a New England legend, and one of the most commercially sucessful engineer/producers from the area.

Need a 12 space, but not sure about brands

I was looking for a budget flight case and ran across an ad for a Cavin RW12 Road Warrior for $200 bucks. It looks new but then I noticed the ad didn't say anything about being ATA certified. I could get a Road Runner or Gator brand at Guitar Center which I think are ATA certified for just slightly more. Or a ProX ATA.

What about having a category 'showcase your work' ?

Hi everyone,

Many posts with finished recordings are posted on Fix that mix, even tho, the intention is not to fix anything but just show and present an already finished and/or public product.

I ask you to say if it would be a good Idea to add one more category to RO specially for that purpose. (It could be named something else)

Best place to buy Tube replacement kit for LA-610

Hi there,

I'm starting to check for a place I can thrust to buy tube kits for my 2 x LA-610.
Affordable and good sounding (dreaming here ;))
They are both mk1 and were buildt around the same year but actually don't sound the same.
I guess they have different tubes or different wear on them.

Any suggestions ?


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