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Helping a studio in NY, LA and Miami

Do you own a professional recording studio in any of the three cities above or within 50 miles? We want to help you attract more clients and make sure your studio is booked without any upfront cost to you. This is the perfect opportunity for any studio owner who just started out or established studios that are struggling with marketing efforts.

What Sample Rate is most commonly used when recording?

Which sampling rate do you most commonly use when recording?

Please don't include mix projects which come to you where the SR is set by the client's project/files...

I'm talking about when you begin recording a new project.

along with your vote, comments -like bit resolution choices - are also more than welcome.


does Audio-Technica AT 4041 can be use in field?

i need to buy a pair of Mic for some Nature recording in Different stereo techniques mainly ORTF i am thinking to buy Audio-Technica AT 4041SP because of neutral sound can they be use in field? are they rugged enough to be use in Field?

other options i have in mind is RODE NT 5 Pair (heard people use it in field and RODE is giving 10 year warranty with it) and Oktava 012.

Connecting Roland Octa capture to Otari MX5050

So I wanted to run some audio to my 1/4" tape machine. The Roland manual states that there are "audio outs" in the rear of the unit - they are balanced/unbalanced jacks 1/4". TS or TRS.

I've used them before for headphone monitoring etc. The manual states 0DBu nominal level, so I suppose this is under line level 4 dbu.

New to recording with an RC-505

Hey guys. New to the forums here and kind of recording in general. I've scoured the internet all over the place and can't seem to find any good resources on a proper way to input and record a Boss RC-505 loop station to a computer to record cleanly. What I'm trying to do is record primarily vocals and beatboxing, so no instruments.


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