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importing audio from video!

Hi everyone. This is what I need to do. Ive got this person who has a video and wants to record a voice to replace the original from the video recording. I did get to import the video, but not the audio! Anyone knows how can I get through this? How can I get to listen to the audio from the video in one track?

thank you

MIDI controlled multi-pole filter?

Does anyone know of a filter (comb/notch/HP/LP) whose frequency can be controlled by midi note messages? If so, is it possible for the frequencies to change to match the notes. For example I would press C3 and the filter would jump or slide to 130.813Hz. Despite the narrow spectrum represented by 7 octaves, this would be a great VST.

need help with record contract

hi everyone,

we are in the process of negotiating a record contract with an independent record label, and i had a question. we are looking for an entertainment lawyer, and I'm not sure how much i should be looking to spend. does anyone know what a typical rate for a lawyer in this field should cost, and if you give an hourly rate, how much time can we expect him to bill us for.