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Tuning Toms

Wassup everyone? I've been tuning my drumset by ear and was wondering if there is a certain note to set each tom to for a nice death metal sound. I'm thinking of starting to use a digital tuner so the notes are right on. I have four toms, should I tune them going down by like 2 steps each or what? Also, does it make any difference how my guitar is tuned to go with it?

Computer recording.

I currently own a M-Audio Audiophile 24/96 which i use to record into Cubase. I also own a Souncraft Spirit Folio 16/2, which i have running in stereo out to the card.
I am looking to upgrade my soundcard so that i can use the direct outs on this mixer and simultaniously record seperate tracks into cubase. E.g A drum kit, each mic recorded on a seperate track in cubase.