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phantom power w/ daw

i was wanting to know if i have to record seperately with my condensers that require phantom power than with my dynamic mics that dont require it. my Mackie cfx16 board has one master phantom power switch and it seems like a bad idea to feed phantom power to my dynamics that dont require it. is this true or would i be fine having it on while mics that dont need it are plugged in?

How to get the best possible result with...

Hi people,

I'm doing some recordings for my band, everything seems to be kind of OK to me... except for the vocals they are really flat, dull, boring... I know its not possible to get studio quality with crappy gear... but i was wondering if anyone tried it and has a "nice" solution for me.


Shure SM58 (BETA?)
2 other unknown mics

Dim LCD screen on my DAW (is this too much a HW question?)

I know this is stretching it, but if so tell me and I'll delete it. (can I?).
I got a free virtuall unused LCD screen today for my mobile rackmount computer project. But (get what you pay for) it is too dI'm to really be of use. It is well lit, but I can barely make out the image on it. Just a lot of dI'm grey light.


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