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Why does the Swing/Quantize on an MPC sound better than. .

Why does the Swing/Quantize on an MPC sound better than the swing in Cubase SX? Even at full swing in Cubase drums sound mechanically programmed. The MPC and other units like the SP1200 seem to have more of a rhythmic feel to the swing/quantizing. I would think this would function similarly across the board. Am I wrong?

Alesis DM5 + Samson MDR624 Loud output

Hi all,

I'm a newbie to recording, and I've got this problem.

I use an triggered drumkit (mesh heads + ddrum triggers) to rehearse at home and record drumtracks.

The problem is that my Alesis DM5 seems to send a far too loud signal to my Samson MDR624 mixing desk, even so that when I turn the gain off, it still gives a loud signal.

Different Speakers; Different Sound

Hey RO'ers, I need some help with a dilemma I am having. I have a track recorded and mixed down which plays very well on my monitoring speakers, but when I play the same track in a car stereo the sound of the bass drums doesn't hit as well as they do in the studio. Is there any way to compare the way tracks will sound on different speakers?

Sequencing & Arrangements

Hi folks,

For those who uses a workstation, how many of you sequence and render midi effect, sample, etc... before transferring to a full flag software in your pc?

I have a motif but i usually sequence in my Pro Tools (so that i can see those midi notes) and find working in this way sort of under utilize those effects onboard my motif.

Voice presense

Im looking for that very expensive vocal sound in the mix, used on many records you hear on the radio like sevendust. I have some of the equipment that should take me close. I have 2x 4040s and a Marshall electronics tube condenser with nice preamps. Any VST plugins or other tips to make the vocals sound right in your face with a very full/present sound.


hey forum, how is everyone. ok. check it out. I cant decide whether i should go with Cubase and an interface and mixer board, or go with a roland2480. I have a imac g5 for recording so that would benefit the cubase. but i just wanted to ask what i would need with cubase. This is what i want to do. Record guitars, bass and live/electronic drums.