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USB 2.0 External Drives bad for audio?

I was having a problem chaining my firewire 400 drive through my metric halo and into my mac. I discovered that since firewire 400 is only half-duplex, that was causing the problem (when the computer tried to write the data to the drive, it had to stop the incoming audio..Duh). So I bought a USB drive so that i could have the IO and drive on seperate buses.

I need some help buying cymbals

My first set of cymbals are getting pretty worn out, so I'm looking to buy some new ones. The ones I'm using now are Zildjian ZBTs(basically bottom of the line) I'm looking to spend about $400 on a new set of cymbals, and I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions. I'm looking for just a basic set really...a crash or two, a ride, and high-hats.

Signal path question (I think?)

In my current search to settle on the most simple yet highest quality I can afford DAW set up I need to understand how the signal path works from converters to software and back again. Having only had experience with my all in one PTLE (001)/G4 set up (no additional front end), I'm not sure if what I'm envisioning actaully works.

Genelec 8000 series V H+K 0300D. Just my opinion from today!

So after reading the review of the H+K 0300D from Hugh (sound on sound) and the fact that they have now gone down, this month only, to £2000 I asked sound control to get a pair to audition. Well they arrived at the shop today. I went down armed with my trustee CD collection to the shop at about 11.00am.

Have you heard of the Revox A77 or Tascam MSR-16?

Im having the oportunity to purchase a Revox A77 tape deck machines at around $200 and a Tascam MSR-16 for $800. Both machines are in great shape. I would like to know if any of you guys own one and your experiences with them, how do they sound? reliability ? etc. I dont want a comparison on which one is better. i Know the Revox is a 2 track and the Tascam is 16. I would like your opinions.