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Need advice on the best cassette recorder for voice audio


First, I'm a recording newbie and humbly bow to the experts who will read this post. I'll probably use wrong terminology for some of this, so please bear with me.

I'm trying to find the best tape recorder (cassette recorder) for recording voice audio (without breaking the bank!).

Recommendations for Outboard Mastering Compressor/Limiter

I recently added a SonicStudio HD system to our mastering room and I am seeking some suggestions for a brickwall limiter. I've currently got an API 2500 compressor which offers some nice old school character but I really need a decent sounding limiter. Unfortunately the local shops are no help since the salesmen typically don't use the gear they're selling.

e609 and the e609 silver - what's the difference?

I recently worked with a band that brought their own e609 silver. I used it on guitar (though I'm usually just a 57 guy) and it sounded great! So I looked into purchasing one for my studio and noticed there is obviously a 609 and a 609 silver. Does anyone know the difference? Sub-question---- What sounds better?

best studio WALL Material.

OK, i'm finally going to build my own studio in part of a warehouse. my space is 30' x 30' i'm going to have a control room, 2 small instrument rooms, and a large band room (mainly for drums, and the whole band to stand in, with their amps obviously in one of the other rooms.

what kind of material would you use for the Drum room, Instrument room A, and instrument room B?

Athlon or Athlon 64

So I'm considering a new desktop that will be primarily, but not exclusively for audio. Right now I use my laptop for everything. Last time I looked into this I was figuring on an Athlon 3200+ (Barton) on a mobo with Nvidia Nforce2 chipset and matrox 450. Should I be considering an Athlon 64? FX? Pros, cons? Cost differential. All opinions welcome.