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Which of the following preamps is the clearest?

I'm looking for a preamp with the following characteristics:

1. must be stereo i.e two channels - no more, no less
2. must have digital out
3. must not cost more than approx $1280 / 700 pounds / €1000
4. must not cost less than approx $400 / 210 pounds / €300
5. must not be made by Behringer

I've narrowed it down to the following:

Best Headphones, Monitors, Power Amps for home studio?

Just curious if anyone could give me some insight on the best bang for your buck studio monitors and headphones. For monitoring, I've read tons about stuff like the Mackie HR624/824 setup...and lately my interest has been aimed at something like the Yamaha MSP5's. Yes? No?

Dual G4 not an option. iMac G5 enough muscle? Yes or No?

Okay. Now I know a lot of you will point a finger and say, "Hasn't this topic been covered ad nauseam?" Well, yes...and no.

There are specific questions that have yet to be answered. Most of the responses, thus far, have been more opinion as to "preference", not whether or not one Mac could perform the needed operations without a hitch.