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Recording Question

Hello, I have a Behringer ub1202 Mixer which I am pleased with and my question is, how can I listen to one track while listening to another I am recording, for example, I record my drums and then when I play back the drums so I can record my guitar, I can't hear the guitar, only the drums, and not untill the recording is done I can hear both tracks together, So if anyone with any experience wit

Mixed signals about my mixed bits

My signal wants to go out of my 'puter, to outboard effects, then back to 'puter.
I have limited in/outs left on my soundcard (until I upgrade). I now have:

1 @ S/PDIF I/O (or aes/ebu)
1 @ toslink I/O (this actually acts as a split off the spdif)
2 stereo analog inputs (4ch)

I also have 2 outboard effects I want to use that need routing:

CF2 cards as Drives to record?

Just wondering if anyone has thought of...tried to use. found out it's SILLY to...well you get the idea...

Use some of the new MicroDrive CF cards (1, 2 and 4 Gbs) in a laptop or in Desktop as your HD space for recording...(NOT storage)...seems they would be very fast...and VERY quiet. but then. I'm a newb...LOL...

Input would be appreciated.


New user looking for opinions on PC recording rig.

Hi all!
I was hoping maybe I could get some opinions on a PC I'm going to be building in the near feature. I'm leaning towards Cubase SX3 as my recording app. and FX Expansion's BFD as my main drum solution. I do not have a soundcard picked out yet. (any pointers in this area would also be welcomed :D )