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02r bug-please help me ! important !

hi there,
i have got a O2R V2.0 linked with a RME Sound Card via an ADAT port.
as you may know, the 02R only recognizes 44.1 & 48 khz and the bug appeared when i inserted a CDrom with an audio menu with contains 32khz sounds.
the O2R said DIO WORLD CLOCK ERROR cause i was working with a 44.1 frequency... :(

Lexicon Effects Processor I/O Level Set...Woooo!


This makes no sense to me.

I'm bustin' the ceiling with my Effects Processor's minimal settings

I'm running the Lexicon MPX-500 w/ an Echo Audio LAYLA 24/96 PC AI. I'm looping my dry, pre-recorded signal out of the Layla's 3/4 & out of the Lexicon; & back into the Laya's 3/4 Ins (all balanced.)

Need some input - setting up first portable digital rig

Hello out there!

I'm putting together my first portable digital system, and hope I'm in the right forum!

I'm looking for components that are compatible with my ibook g4. My ultimate goal is to take the recordings of samples, transfer to my ibook, and mainpulate the samples.

Here's what I've come up with so far (budget is about a grand):


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