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How to create stereo guitar from a mono source?

As the subject reads, I'm trying to get a good stereo sound out of a mono guitar source. I do intend to bypass the amp completely and use only direct audio from the processors. splitting into two mono L&R tracks and panning only sounds like just what it is, two of the same track panned to the sides. how do you get it to sound more like true stereo?

software that supports ASIO? any recommendations?

Hey guys, I have the MOTU 828 interface, and I've been using n-track, simply because it is cheap and supports ASIO. It is very unstable for some reason. I use it only to record my tracks, then use adobe audition to engineer. It constantly locks up my computer, which no software has ever done before. I'm thinking it's time to upgrade. Any suggestions? Thanks!

How do you know if the BASS is there or not?

How do you know if the bass is there or not?
When using reference monitors that the FR does not reach s certain low freq? Should I just check on a Spectrum analasis level and make sure theres a slight/smooth roll off in the lower frequencies or should I just make sure the FR is flat all the way?


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