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Problems with a SansAmp Bass Driver DI - XLR output weak

The subject sums it up - the XLR output is about 20% the volume of the unbalanced output. Surely a faulty unit? As a newbie, I may be missing something. I mailed Tech21, still awaiting a response.

If it is faulty the trouble is, I bought it from America, and have a demo deadline to meet. So I am not particularly keen on sending it back for replacement.

Delta 44 or 66. Which to consider?

I am looking to upgrade my recording setup and finally get a decent soundcard. (currently using Turtle Beach Santa Achilles heel) I have heard good things about the Delta line. My question is this. The Delta 44 and 66 are essentially identical except for the fact that the 66 has that digital I/O thing.

Spirit Absolute 2

Hi everybody,I'd like to have some feedback on the Spirit Absolute 2...

I cannot say i am a totally unlucky guy...some friend of mine who is leaving the country kinda of gave me a pair of Absolutes 2 and Samson Servo 170 the days of hi-fi monitors are finally over...

I know that the spirits are already a piece of museum...but mine are brand new! she never used it...

Finally broke down...Linux

Well, after a few years of avoiding Linux, I finally took the plunge (again). Well, maybe more of wading in the shallow end at this point. I tried installing it a few years ago, but quickly decided it wasn't worth the trouble. Windows was working just fine for me at the time...these days, it seems that windows is more trouble than it's worth, though...So, here I am.

CD writer not as fast as it used to be

The CD writer in my iBook (system 9.1) doesn't write as fast as it
used to. It used to write at 8Xs now I can't even do 4Xs. Has anyone
had this problem? I'm tending to think it is hardware because it has
gradually gotten worse. I'm using jam 2.6.2. Even after I restart and
open only Jam and try to burn from a disc image, I can't write at