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More Yamaha NS-10 Questions - Buying Used Tips and Model

I have three questions regarding the infamous Yamaha NS-10's.

1. What exactly is the difference between the NS-10 and NS-10Ms?

2. Which tend to be the pro studio staple.

3. Since the only option is to buy these used, how does one go about buying them via ebay, etc. while making sure that they're in proper studio condition etc.?

Anyone using a G4 Powerbook with an 828?

I've got the the last made version of the 667 MHz g4 ti-book and an 828. I'm curious if anyone's using an external firewire hard drive in addition to the 828, and if so, how you've got it set up, and if it's actually working well. I'm having too many problems with the speed of the internal hard drive, and would like to move up a 7200RPM Firewire drive.



Bar Scene Multi-Tracking

Okay I figured I would toss this out there and see if I can't get some wisdom from the local gurus. I have been asked to multi-track a few bands playing at a local bar. They are wanting it for demo CDs. I know this is not as ideal as taking them into a studio but what suggestion might some of you have. I have a few choices of equipment.

Four Track Player

I am using Wavelab to edit. It doesn't do something I need desperately. I need a 'four track player'. I need to be able to play two stereo files out of two seperate stereo outputs. It seems like a modest request and I don't want to spend much money on fancy software. Any suggestions? It should support wav and aif files, be bit transparent and support up to 96k. It also needs to be reliable.


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