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Voice over for Audio book - advice ?

Hi, I have a project I am doing as a favour for a friend he is recording his book to CD, and I have not had any experience with Micing for this purpose. it should be a natural appealing sound that is not super compressed/close miced - that is I'm not after a typical in your face " radio " sound, just a clear natural clean and appealing recording.

Recording chain questions

Hi all, I'm right in the process of trying to decide which gear to buy.

Today I have a Chineese mic (á la U87), a ART Tube MP, the Terratec EWS88MT (24 bit) and a fast AMD DAW.

I can do really good recordings, but since I want to upgrade the quality of my recordings I'm thinking of buying a new preamp - and perhaps also an analog compressor.

Preamps for under 1k

Hey guys/gals. I have a modest home studio and I'm looking to get a good solid-state pre for around 1k. I own a hhb radius 40 and a 50 (both tube) and a Joemeek vc6, but I'd like something better. The hhbs are ok on most stuff, but when recording 'heavier' guitars (which I do a lot) they are way to bright and brittle. I've had people tell me to look into Summit, Grace, FMR, etc.