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Singers, cant live with'em - uh, whats with the rubber

So I JUST did a demo for a band. Just a quick two song thing, couple hours out the door, bye. Two nights ago I led the singer into the iso booth to do his vox. He could not grasp the concept of staying within 5 feet of the mic. He literally would whisper at two feet and shout at two inches, and insisted he was not conscious of his actions.

Tape Op Conference 03

Hello everyone,

Just got back from vacation in Europe. It was great. I am taking part in the mastering forum at this weekends Tape Op conference in Portland Or. If any of you are planning on going let me know.

It should be a very good show. And the weather must be better than it is in NYC. I will give you guys a full report when I get back.

recording simultaneous tracks?

I'm fairly new to the whole recording scene. I currently have a PC with a small 4 channel mixer, a couple compressors, and a mic preamp. I'm wondering... what is the simplest solution that will allow me to record multiple tracks at once on my computer? I have FireWire and USB 2.0 and room for a PCI card as well. I would need like 4 in at once. Any suggestions?

Thanks :)


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