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How to setup RNC in a balanced signal path?

I just got an RNC, and I'm not sure how to set it up. The manual explicitly says you can't use it in a balanced signal path with TRS connectors. You must "unbalance" the signal first.

My plan was to use it in the balanced insert loop on my PreSonus MP20 pre. The outs (balanced) of the MP20 then go into the inserts on my mixer in order to bypass the mixer's pres.

Studio power amps and cooling fans

Can anyone advise me if they're running a power amp that has a cooling fan but is still very quiet?

I'd like a studio amp that can double for live performance once in a while to run some stage monitors. I doubt that any of the fan-less models, such as Hafler, are really up to the task of running full tilt in a live situation. Thanks for your suggestions!

JBL monitors


I have the oportunity to purchase JBL N26II speakers for a pretty good price ($200 CAN). I'm looking for a pair of monitors for a basic home recording setup, ie: few mics, PC w/delta, Cubase).

Wondering if anyone has any experience with these? Would I save myself trouble by picking up Truths or similar MAudio nearfields?

Best blank audio cassette tape?

I am getting back into home recording and i like the hands on analog cassette recording for local bands and friends and a lot of home use stuff.And i would like to know who makes the best blank cassette tapes,Maxell XLII-S,TDK SA-X or Sony UX-PRO?I can get anyone of these tapes in bulk online but niether of these tapes are available in my local area so that i can buy one of each to test.I have

Need power amp for New monitors!

Ok guys I decided to go with the tannoy Reveals (unpowered)for my first set of monitors. I went with the unpowered because I plan on getting a second pair of monitors later, just to give me that second listen. I might just use my home stereo speakers in the meantime. Anyway what do you guys recommend for a amp for these baby's. Probably looking to spend around 400 bucks.