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how to get the best guitar sound

The style is heavy rock and I need the best electric(distorted) guitar sound I can get cause it will be up front in the mix. If it could sound like the Ross Robinson trademark or the Ozzy Osbourne albums it would be perfect.

I may rent an Avalon VT737 preamp for that, but I need some advise on micing. will probably record two tracks and pan them L-R.

Can I start/stop Sonar Live with a guitar pedal?


OK, I tried asking this question in the "MIDI" forum, but haven't gotten a clear answer in over a week so I thought I'd try here.

Is it possible to start/stop a sequencer with my Boss GT-3 guitar fx foot pedal? I'd like to be able to do this for live applications. I know I can start and stop a sequencer with midi, but can a guitar fx pedal control this?

Bass questions: Mix for Master

I've heard that there are physical groove reasons why the bass must be dead-center for vinyl pressings.

I, like everyone, dig the punch of a mono bass in lock-step with a kick, but...

There are times, though, that I run across either the urge or the need (!) to do a *really* wide bass either split-delayed l/r @10ms, or actually 2 different hard-panned bass sounds.

Monitoring advice... opinions needed!

I'm just starting out in the recording game and I need some advice regarding monitors.

I record on a PC and my setup is as follows:
Delta 66 S/PDIF out > Kenwood Reciever (forget the model - lower end though, 80 watts a side, 2-3 years old) > M70 Mission Bookshelf speakers (not newest model but almost exactly the same.

Lexicon Studio and Win 2000 & XP

Hi friends !
Until recently i used to work a Lexicon Studio card, but now there are not drivers for Win 2000 and XP. Now my Lexicom stay into the rack unuseble.
What do you think, friends ? If i use Lexicon Studio with Windows 98, or working under Windows XP and sell my Lexicon, If somepne won't to buy it.

Thanks a lot for your opinion.
Cheers !