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Roland VS

Hi, I'm new to this scene and interested to find out opinions on the Roland VS series consoles
I have an 1880 an am happy with its performance, except when it comes to digitally transferring tracks to computer (pro tools, cubase). I can only manage to do 2 tracks at a time via optical or coaxial. and when using MTC I have slight sync discrepancies with multiple transfers.

Cost effective w/o sacrificing pro-quality using PowerBo

Hi.. have a nice PowerBook (it's loaded) that I'd like to use to record live DJ sets (from the mixer).. I'm aware of all the expensive solutions (Logic Plat 6), but wanted to solicit the insight of this forum before spending the cash. I'd like to steer clear of known issues and limitations, as well as be apprised of cheaper but "just as good" solutions.

Recording a 5 piece band with 4 busses. suggestions?

I have a session coming up and it is the biggest one I've had so far. My big problem is that I am using only the 4 buses off my mixer into my computer but the band Im recording wants to do everything live, without overdubs. this would be fine if it was a smaller band but I need to mic drums (4 mics) a keyboard, guitar, bass, and vocals. I was wondering how i should go about it.