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Need help fast

I have a session coming up and it is the biggest one I've had so far. My big problem is that I am using only the 4 buses off my mixer into my computer but the band Im recording wants to do everything live, without overdubs. this would be fine if it was a smaller band but I need to mic drums (4 mics) a keyboard, guitar, bass, and vocals. I was wondering how i should go about it.

computer noise...

Quick question:

A woman I work with did an interview with a customer using her laptop to capture audio.

She used a cheap mic, and to make things worse on the recording you can hear the hard drive spinning up. It is pretty loud. Actually probably 75% of the volume of the voice.

Any recommendations on lowering the level of the hard drive whir?


Monitors (warning: dumb question)

OK, I am a dumbass.

Help me understand near-field monitors. I am setting up a home studio (largely for recording our band.) I had planned on plugging my DAW into my harmon kardon amp and powering two JBL bookshelf speakers and two larger american acoustic speakers. My thought was that I would be able to a/b large and small speakers while mixing.