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I NEED info on: Midas XL42 preamp/eq

Got a chance to buy the Midas XL42 as well as a Klark Teknik DN504 4 ch compressor.

Anybody have any experience with either of these (especiall the Midas)?

What are they going for new and on the used market?

my window of opportunity for the Midas is short.

Appreciate any help.

Ciao for now,

Woods Palmer

Keeping stuff seperate in my mixes

...Up until now the main way I keep instruments seperate in my mixes is to use eq. I will cut certain frequencys out of some instuments and boost them in others. But i end up eqing everingthing, And my mixes begin to sound a litte unnatural. And i still dont get the seperation that i really want. What are the ways ya'll keep stuff seperate in ya'lls mixes. Different mics? different pres?

My Computer.

Well, my computer is needed again! This time for the Apogee AES show booth to show off the Native Tools Bundle! For that I bit the bullet and bought a P4 2.0A Ghz processor to get some more jiuce out of it since I will be adding a TC Power Core card as the system will include an RME 9652, UAD, TC Power Core and a FireWire card. of course no SCSI! ha ha ha ha ha ha!

New DAW suggestions

I am new here and read a post that indicated that it may be worth waiting 6 months or so to upgrade my audio PC. Could someone lead me to the thread that discusses what is coming up in the near future that is going to make such a big difference in audio PCs? Or if it has not been spelled out, could someone explain what is on the horizon?