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Delta 1010 Hummer

My three-year-old Delta 1010 seems to have developed a problem. A few months ago I noticed that when I first power up I hear a hum coming from the card ... at least I'm pretty sure it's the card and not the breakout box. And the hum is LOUD ... I have to kill the volume on the amp until it passes. It used to take two minutes to fade away ... now it's taking 25 minutes.

Headphone or Speaker Monitors?

I currently have a (very humble) home studio with a few synths, and i was thinking the next addition i should make.. Monitors seem to be one of the top things i want.. I would prefer headphone monitors only because i would be able to do more production at times when people don't want to be disturbed. This isn't a huge preference though, only little (hehe)..

Can a PC record 16 simultaneous tracks

I have an Intel based 1.8 Gig, 256 RAM PC. I was wondering how many audio tracks can possibly be recorded with it. I have yet to buy a sound card, so i desperately want to know this before I buy one.

One more: Is it possible to record as many as 24 simultaneous audio tracks with a PC? Please suggest me a solution for this also.