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digi 002

Hello. This may have been discussed before, and if it has been, feel free to direct me to that thread. Here's my question

I am looking into getting a Pro Tools setup for mac. It is mainly for consumer use in my house. Is digi002 the way to go now, or is it wiser to maybe get 001 and get the harware separately. (I need at least 4 mic preamp's)

Kx Driver Problems-Need Help please!

After installing the Kxdrivers over my original SBlive setup, my latency went as low as 2.3ms, it was brilliant, BUT no signal was going through mic-in or line-in. I am totally out of ideas and would greatly appreciate any of yours! has anyone had the same problem? or is this a really annoying freak problem i have to work out for myself? :)

DAW considerations. .

So I need a little support/advice from the community here. I'm an audio engineer working in and A/V production facility that is well established, but isn't always too forward looking in gear upgrades/updates. However, we have one of the highest hourly rates in our market, higher even than some fully equipped music tracking/mixing studios.