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HoRNet TrackShaper, mix on autopilot with just one knob

Hi! We have released the new "HoRNet TrackShaper", a "mix on autopilot" utility for those who want to have good sounding tracks without spending hours tweaking plugins.

The TrackShaper is based on the HoRNet ChannelStrip MK2 technology and includes several specific algorithm for different sound sources like: kick drum, snare, acoustic instruments, guitars, etc.

Helping my cousin upgrade studio overall.

Hey all! well my cousin really took a liking to audio production, and after 6 years or so, it's time to upgrade, now that we know he's serious about it. we have probably as much as 10K. The goal is to make this less pro-sumer, and lean towards more pro stuff. Any ideas on any aspect of this upgrade are more than welcome.

Synchronizing Input Samples with Output Samples for Testing Analog Circuits

I would like to analyze analog circuits by sending a stimulus through it and then recording the output, changing the circuit slightly and then running the test again to produce two *almost* identical .wav files that can then be compared sample-for-sample.

Getting Started with Home Recording

Hey guys, I have been planning of starting a one man band sort of project (all done virtually) and i need help in finding a cheap but good software that might aid me in doing so. I play guitar, so i could get a cable and somehow play through the cpu and record like that but i have no idea where to start and it seems confusing to me and all right now.