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Recording Issue

I have a problem recording audio from our church sermons using Adobe Audtion, @ 48 kHz using my Scarlett 2i2. Occasionaly, the recording drops/jumps a split-second of audio every few minutes. And so, I mix the audio together with video to prepare for DVD, but the audio is just about a second short (and obviously the lips are out of sync) by the end of a 50 min recording.

multiple ethernet connections for 2 SSL X-Patch's and second DAW

Bought a second SSL X-Patch and now need an Ethernet spitter for the network. I tried one of my old wireless routers and it worked but it also took out my wireless ability on my mixing DAW. So I'm guessing I need a simple hub that isn't looking for a wireless connection, correct? The X-Patch is a simple java app that uses cat5. My computer has only one Ethernet out. Never done this before.


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