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Do you have one near you?

Yesterday I went to a Sam Ash music store to pick up a mic. I went with a SM57 in mind. But, when I got there, I was slammed to the ground with the amount of mics I had to choose from. They had a rig set up with about 10-15 different mics just wait for someone to ts-ts-test them out. They had(from what I remember) some AKG's, Samson's, Shure's and quite a few others.

Is there any reason?

Hey Opus, where did that reason 2 post go?
Did you get your copy yet? Do you know the best price out there? (besides free/unless you wanna pm me!) ;)
And can you upgrade v1 for free?
I can't find it on the shelves anywhere around here. But MFriend has it for $279, is that good?

Boy, sure would be nice to know the right person... :p