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Questions on home studio preamps...

Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum and also fairly new to home studio recording. I'm in the process of building my studio and would like some advice on decent preamps for mic/guitar in the $300 range. What is everyone using? What's good, what's bad? Do I need an Avalon or Grace to get a good sound? Thanks for your help.

Have a good one!

Need a Laugh?. .Did You Hear the One About.

It was decided that there was to be a women's convention composed solely of southern belles and northern debutants. The event was arranged and came to be. That night, several women from both social entities arrived in as much splendor as one would imagine. Lovely dresses and expensive jewelry were the flavors of the evening.


Who here is on ICQ? I am. I know my number is listed on my profile but I created a new ICQ for my server machine. I tend to do all my internet stuff here rather than mess up my system with cluttered temp and internet files. .
anyhue, my ICQ number is . (drum roll please!)
I'm usually always on and chatting with tons of other people so feel free to say YO!