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Checking out Trident -65 Tomorow

Hello Everyone,

I might be inches now away from picking up a Trident-65.

Could anyone remind me of some things to look for or ask the owner that might have passed my thoughts?

Any pointers at all would be useful!

Thanks in advance!

Mad John
Zythum Studios

"The present day Composer refuses to die!" - Edgar Varese - 1921

Going to Apple G4. Do I need a Sound Card?

I'm considering going to the G4 processer and the MOTU DP v 3.0... I'm a guitar player/song writer and I don't have a lot of space to deal with for rack mounts etc. I'm looking for a plug and play environment for MIDI sequencing, live instruments and vocals... Am I on the right track? Any suggestions? Thanks... LBM

system exclusive mesages MIDI

Could anyone please help me out.
How do you tell your sequencer program(I use cakewalk) to transmit system exclusive mesage
(for instance: change cutoff frequency) to your
midi synth.
(I've menaged to record this information from JX-8P to cakewalk and now It's saved in sysex wiew, but I don't know how to activate this thing back to the JX-8P.)