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HI everyone

The forum seems a bit dead over the past few days, so I hope someone is around as I need HELP!

This is probably the most mundane and basic topic on the planet. I need to get a patchbay, and I know not the first thing about them. Everytime I've been in big studios it's been as a musician, and my own setup has never quite needed one.

digi max

I've been getting an increasing number of projects which include recording a full drum kit at my small pro tools le based home studio. I've been using the mic preamps in my Mackie 1604 vlz only when I record drums. Does anyone have any experience PreSonus digi max or any other similarly priced 8 mic preamp with a/d conversion.

Opus2000 Asus p4b266: Performance Reports

I'm curious about how much horsepower one needs. Initially I will be recording

  • 1 to 3 tracks at a time
  • will easily get up to 24 tracks so I would like the capacity to have at least 64
  • not sure how many pluginsI will want on each track (due to my inexperience with all of this)
  • am considering using external reverbs and plugins