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soundcard to DAT via spdif?

I'm trying to record digitally to my DAT machine a Sony 670 from my mac computer using a Delta 1010 card via the S/PDIF coaxil connection.The only way i've got it to work so far is using 48Khz sample rate,but my material is all recorded at 44.1Khz.The DAT machine is able to record at 44.1Khz(according to the manual),but i can't get it to work at that sample rate.

Computer based Sample Conversion

Ok, seems simple enough. I have a ton of samples I need to convert. The MAIN thing I'm looking for for something that converts AIF (or SDII) files to a file the MPC3000 will read on a zip disk. I tried the "Export Selected As" in Pro Tools to no avail. Does anyone know of a be all, end all program for audio file conversion mac or p.c. (mac prefered)?


Got a question for you, When I plug my guitar into the line in of my cheap designed for games soundcard, I have to pull the fader(in the windows volume control-recording panel) damn near all the way down. The music still comes back at a decent level, comparable to an mp3 I have stored on the hard disk. But I was wondering if this was normal.