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I need some help with my Zoom R16 and Amplitude 3 in my Cubase LE6

I have my R16 plugged into my computer as an audio interface, and I wanna run my guitar through channel one (hi z) and put it through amplitude for distortion. I have my headphones plugged into my R16 in phones out. I hear the guitar I just cant put it through amplitude, nothing changes in the tone and the tuner isn't even picking it up.

Fender Mustang 1 amp - What recording gear?


I am new to the world of recording and looking for some advice. I have just bought a fender mustang 1 amp for the purpose of recording, it came with Ableton live 8 but after messing around with it for 2 days it seems to still not be recording for me, even after reading/seeing loads of tutorials.

Am I looking for a Compressor? Is that right?

I'm currently working on an 8 track project, and there are highs and lows throughout some parts.
Now, what can I do to even out the volume on all my tracks? Is it called Compressor? I believe I read something about Compressor
If so, what Compressors are easy to use, and does anybody have a step by step tutorial/explanation?


What would be your method of incoperating an ssl e series w/ daw?

hey all. there's a good possibility the studio i work at is going to be getting an ssl e-series, a 2" tape machine, and a 1/4" mastering deck. I've been mulling over some different ways of incorporating these into our daw system (digital performer/apogee/motu).

Mackie Onyx 1640 i - searching for PC laptop with firewire!

Greetings all,

This is my first post, and I literally signed up specifically for input to my issue. I have the Mackie Onyx 1640 i firewire integrated mixer, and I really want to find a reliable, powerful PC laptop with firewire. I'm shopping online and I can't seem to find anything.

Recording devices and media from 1877 to the present day


I am a college student in the uk, writing a dissertation about the changes and developments in recording media and devices through out history, from the invention of the phonograph to the present day. I have written a small survey on this, and it would be greatly appreciated if anyone would take the time to complete it.
The link is below.