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Fiber Optic Circuits ?

Hello All You Guru's,
I need advise on what kind of Equipment is needed on each end to Use Fiber Optic Cables for Studio Circuits. I have some 144 Count Single Mode Fiber that I am going to terminate for a Friend that has a Studio. From Building To Building.
Any Of You Have any Experience with SM Fiber in this application ?

Thanks in Advance,

Types of Headphones

Okay so I want some really nice professional headphones. I have done some research but I have no idea what some of the terms mean. Like what is the difference between mixing, tracking, and monitoring headphones? Also should I get studio headphones or audiophile headphones? I intend to use them for the soul purpose of listening to music and watching movies.

Guitar rig latency problems!

So, today I started my home music production career :D and I bought myself an M-Audio Avid recording studio, very simple to plug and set-up got myself into playing 5 minutes after. The only problem that I have is that when I use guitar rig 5 there's an intermittent sound when it starts usually at 512 samples which makes me put it up to 2048 samples and increase the delay up to 100 ms.


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