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Feedback Wanted: DPA SMK4060 or 4061 Stereo Kits

I am looking at a stereo mic kit to do simple remote recordings of live performances. Fairly diverse music genres - some chamber music, some big band, and some bluegrass. Most will be in a few decent halls in my region.
I have a collection of decent studio mics in pairs (AT4050's, SM81's,RODE NT5's), some good "spot mics"

Multitrack Recording a Concert

Here's the deal, I want to record a live concert using multitrack recording. I need to know exactly what gear would be cheapest and best and how to set it up.

I have a Yamaha MG24 14FX and a PC with Pro Tools 8 on it.

I want to be able to go from the sound desk into whatever I need to and recorded through pro tools so I can do a post mix. At most, I'd only need 12 channels.


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