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Mackie ONYX 1640i home studio

Greetings and thanks for reading,

I am in the process of assembling my home studio around the Mackie ONYX 1640i firewire integrated mixer. I'm have a rack mounted kick ass PC assembled right now, running WIN 7 Pro, PT 10, and installing the Universal Audio UAD 2 - DUO PCIe card for plugins. I'm pretty stoked to get it all together.

How to hook up mixer/interface to Pro Tools 10?

Hey everybody! I've never posted on here before so not real sure what to expect...

I work with Pro Tools constantly in school, but am having the biggest problem trying to get PT to recognize this interface. I have a Behringer X1204 USB Mixer/Interface. My question is, is this even compatible with PT? If so, how do I go about setting it up?

Solid State 2-Channel Preamp, 1RU, Internal PS,

With the proliferation of cheap starved-plate tube gear I'm finding it hard to track down a decent affordable solid state 2-channel mic preamp. As much as I regret letting go of my SX202 it wouldn't satisfy my current needs. Does anyone know of something decent under $300 with an internal power supply (no wall wart) in a 1RU chassis (no rack trays or accessory rack ears needed)?

Answering the call for VO

So, I never set out to do VO, but I was playing around with a new mic, made a silly recording and sent it to a friend (you know, so he could laugh at it, then delete it.) He works with a small non-profit television studio. Joy of joys, he shares it with his boss and a couple other guys and I get a request for VO work. I am more than happy to oblige but...


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