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And a BIG negative...chips aren't powerul enough

This is from waves...

"Q: Do Waves plugins need to be updated only to run at higher sample rates?

A: Higher sample rates is the problem, PT HD doubled the sample rate but not the DSP power so any plugin taking more then 50% on your current mix will not work under 96KHZ on the new HD."

So no c4 at 96k folks!

Are there any freelance engineers left? Or have they al

I find it amazing that there are far more studio owners than there are freelance recording engineers and producers. When I tell people that I am an audio engineer, the first question I am asked is "Where is your studio?". I think that this is the real problem in the studio business today. It is driven by the dream of owning a studio, not by the market for studio time.

MANY positive things about PTHD

Maybe you know this if you scour the DUC like me...but here are some very facts about the PTHD straight from Digi techs:

1) The 192 has better clocking than any outboard master clock. (less jitter than Aardsync, Rosendahl, whatever..)

2) The dither in the dither mixer has been improved

3) Truncation errors on the master bus have been improved! Wow!