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Embracing Sound Experience

Hello everybody,

I thought I'd make my precence known while letting you know about the new stereo system that's out there.

I had the chance to listen to it at the LLB-exhibition here in Sweden and it's everything they say it is.

The ESE guys will be at the AES show in NY so if you're planning to go, do yourself a favour and listen to it.

can you use CD-RW for audio?

does anyone know if you can use a re-writeable CD (CD-RW) for creating audio CD's? when i'm working on a mix i like to check it on several different systems. it seems like a waste however to sacrifice a complete CD for a single tune each time i want to do this. is it possible to use CD-RW media to create an audio CD that is readable by a consumer CD player?


Hi there,
I'm trying to understand why a good C12 sounds the way it does. Of course, the main thing is the capsule. From the info I gathered, the contruction was quite complicated and involved many parts and a lot of precision work to get it right. Even if consistency from sample to sample wasn't great, most old CK12 capsules were/are certainly better than AKG's own modern CK12.

What are Ur Feelings on Triton Rack Mount vs. Karma...

My equipment set up as of now is an ASR-X, EMU PLanet Phatt, Yamaha PSR420, wit SONAR seq.

and i'm primarily a Hip Hop, RnB, and Pop(all music genres cross that line)

from my visits at samash they told me Karma is better for less musically inclined people or people who don't know how to play the piano read notes etc(thats me)