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Shure KSM44, AT4050, AKG 414

So I'm looking to buy a good vocal mic with switchable patterns for use as overheads, room mic, and experimentation. I live in NYC and don't know of a dealer that could supply all three. I suppose, from what I've heard, that the 414B-ULS isn't worth the money though I did like the one I used last year. Can anyone either recommend a dealer in the area or give advice on any of these mics?

Need eq recommendation for use with gate.

I own a PreSonus ACP-88 compressor which consists of eight compressor/gates. I use it exclusively for drums. I am having problems getting the gate to work well to eliminate mic bleed without the threshold set too high and decreasing the sensitivity of the drum, that is having to hit the drum extremely hard.

Gefell UM900 & Lawson's "ELAM"

What a great forum! Where else could otherwise clueless folks like myself have access to such a collection of expert opinions! (No sarcasm, I'm serious!) Anyway, I've long been curious about the Gefell phantom powered Tube mic (UM900) but have yet to run into one in the flesh.Sure looks cool - but can anyone tell me how it sounds?