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I dont think I have seen it covered here yet so I figured i would post about it. So latly I have been getting a ton of "fixer upper" projects where I come into either mix or track vocals/the stuff the guy before me screwed up. I know a ton of techniques for getting glue in a mix but they arent working well enough for me to get the results I want anymore.

In a hole with an iMac?

Hey y'all-I just bought an iMac SE. It has no PCI slot. It seems that USB interfaces are just not the way to go (latency, crashes etc.) Therefore, it appears my only options are to either use an iMic (cool little device check out Griffin Technology)or the MOTU 828 Firwire. Is this true? Am I missing something here? It seems that the MOTU 828 is not compatible with PT.

stupid Lucid ADA8824 question-

Fletcher- I know you use Lucid boxes and DP- Can you run inputs into the ADA8824 and monitor your mains out of the 1 and 2 outputs at the same time- as in, record off of the inputs and monitor it all at the same time? I assume you can, but if so, how do the meters break it down, seeing as how there's only eight total? My 1296 has 12 in meters and 12 output meters, so it's no question.

John Hardy preamp info?

Am I just not looking in the right place, or is the Hardy company the last holdout from this new fangled internet-thing? I can understand not liking how the WWW turned the old 'net into a dumb relative of television, but it IS a very good way to make product info available to potential customers. Where can I get Hardy product info?


SD II not quite rigfht

I'm running Sound Designer II on a PPC 8100/80, running OS7.5 with 136 Meg of RAM. My files play back fine, editing works as it should. The problem is that when I try to record from the digital inputs the application locks up after about two minutes, 54 seconds (29.2 MB.) The cursor still moves but I can't select anything and the input meters are frozen.


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