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Cable specs. Capacitance / resistance ?

Pro Line microphone cables CPM # FM - technical data
This cable is equipped with these
NEUTRIK connectors. Cable used: CORDIAL CMK 222
Conductors: 2x28x0,10mm = 0,22 mm2
Shield: Spiral Wound Copper
Overall Diameter: 6,4 ± 0,2mm
Capacitance Cond./Cond.: approx. 70 pF/m
Cond. Resistance: < 85 Ohm/km Ohm/km

EQ Basics

Again, this article originally appeared on RAP. There have been 2 references in the past couple of days to it, so here it is.

30hz super duper low, often referred to as subs up to 60hz These are dangerous frequencies to be playing with.

50hz (hz means cycles per second) super low

100hz pretty low and beefy, easily replicated in a 6" speaker

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