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MixFest2001 Track Sheets for 5 songs

I need to know the format the recordings are on, and see the track sheets. I don't want pictures of the original tracksheet, just a list of the tracks and their original names. If it's called Fred's psychadealic guitar then that's what I want to see.

Do not include mix notes. That sort of defeats the purpose.

You should list your tracks in a post, like this.

Batter/Resonant head tuning techniques

I am going to put in a kit, and from years of talking to really great studio drummers, I want to know if their is anything I should consider when assembling the kit and the heads to keep the tuning from going flat on the Batter /resonant head situation. Is their a new material that streches over the indie rI'm to keep it tight? or do I just have to break them in and keep tuning.

To BeOS or not to BeOS?

I read very recently (either online or some printed publication, but I considered it a "trusted" source - while still acknowledging that rumors do happen) that BeOS is discontinuing development. The source seemed to indicate that this was likely the result of BeOS' abandoning multi-media development for an Internet application thrust.

New DALnet channel #audio-help

You may or may not be aware of the HUGE audio scene on Irc's DALnet among others. Many of the channels and topics there may be extremely distasteful for many users here. Hopefully I dont need to elaborate.
A few of us are banding together to create a new channel with all the good of DALnet audio, yet hopefully without the bad.

CRane Song HEDD

I'm looking a getting a new A/D converter as a front end for my Yamaha Aw4416
choices so far are used CRane Song Hedd (not the 192) or Lucid 2496

I guess the Crane Song would be "better" and i guess open up some more options but i've never seen one.Its also 3x the price of the lucid.

Anyone use one? Can they be upgraded to other sample rates(96hz or up)?