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So if I've got a HEDD, do I need a FATSO?

I recently picked up a HEDD, and while I really like it for certain types of things, it seems like it's pretty easy to go overboard with the effect. The "triode" distortion, in particular, doesn't sound very musical to me... it kinda reminds me of the crappy DRG "radiance generator" function on my old Finalizer, which I didn't like either.

Any advanced recording technique classes?

I've been doing sound for many years now, most of my knowledge is from experience. Advanced, hands on training classes for working audio professionals (1 - 3 day intensive, topic driven) would be very intresting to me, and I'm sure others as well. However I don't want or need to spend a year at Full Sail or SAE. Anything like that out there?
Thanks for any responses.

FMR RNC or Drawmer MX-30?

I know these are relatively low end comps, but Im just a humble aumatuer noise-maker, looking for professional advice. These will be used for taking care of toms, mostly. Or, perhaps youve heard better results on other instruments. There is also Drawmer's DL241 which is a bit more, but still in my range. I talked to Fletcher about this, and he raved about the RNC as being very clear.