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LA-2 or 1176

OK, I decided to wait and get something that I will not outgrow (damn the peer pressure). For all around (but particularly vocals), would I be better off going in the LA-2 (ex. Universal Audio) type or the 1176 type (ex. Purple Audio)? If money were no object. The only other compressors I have are the RNC and I will probably get the Avalon 737. For rock music, not heavy metal.

Radar II or Radar 24. Which or does it matter?

I'm a little (make that a lot) confused as to the difference between Radar II and Radar 24. I know, from reputation, that the Radar system has a solid reputation for being solid, amongst those who are used to analog recording. I know Radar 24 has brought the price down, and uses BEos (actually that long Internet name).