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Keyboard pre-amp recommendation?

I have a friend with a ZR-76 (Ensoniq). We both feel the sound could be improved with a pre-amp and were wondering what you guys are using.
Do you recommend something like a dbx586(?) with tube warmth and digital outputs? (For digital tracking.)
Do you use stereo preamps and slightly vary the left and right outputs? Or set them the same?

MOTU on a PC

I'm back again with another question.

Is running a 1224 on a PC a problem? I realize audio desk is Mac only software, but I'm very comfortable w/ PCs and don't know squat about Apples. Does audio software on the PC support the 1224 OK, or is a Mac clearly the way to go?

Also, if I purchase a middle of the road G3 Mac to run this on what track counts can I expect?

Allen and Heath internal link option

Does anyone know how to switch the "internal link option" in an Allen and Heath board?
From what I understand this can make the direct outs pre-fader and post-eq which would be perfect for me.

I assume that it should be pretty easy, right? Does it require solder?

Any help or information would be a great help. Thanks,

Craig David's Fill me In.

I just heard the Craig David's album and it blowed my mind. Great Sound, punch, clear, brilliant etc... The guy who showed me the CD told me that it was recorded on a cheap gear. It makes me curious..
So, if you know anything about this production, could you tell me more about it ? e.g Gear, Mics, pres, studio, producer, engeneere...
Thx in advance.